Clinic For Hearing Care

Tinnitus – your questions answered

Tinnitus – your questions answered

Some people describe it as a buzzing or hissing noise in the ears. Others say it’s like a roaring or humming. No matter how it sounds, tinnitus is more than an annoyance – for many people, it can be a disabling and disruptive condition. The good news is, relief is...
A Look at the Three Types of Hearing Aids

A Look at the Three Types of Hearing Aids

Every person’s hearing needs are as unique as they are, which is why high-quality hearing aids aren’t one-size-fits-all. What might work well for one individual may not for another, which is why these devices come in a variety of designs and solutions to meet both...
Hearing starts with the brain

Hearing starts with the brain

Here’s a fact that may surprise you: You hear with your brain– not just your ears. While ears are an important part of the hearing process, the processing and understanding of those sounds happen in the brain. Good hearing helps your brain stay sharp throughout your...